Messy Church
We would like to invite all children to come and join in at our Messy Church
This will take place on the 3rd Sunday of each Month from 2-4pm at Causeyside
We would like to invite all children to come and join in at our Messy Church
This will take place on the 3rd Sunday of each Month from 2-4pm at Causeyside
We would like to invite all children to come and join in at our Messy Church
This will take place on the 3rd Sunday of each Month from 2-4pm at Causeyside
We would like to invite all children to come and join in at our Messy Church
This will take place on the 3rd Sunday of each Month from 2-4pm at Causeyside
We would like to invite all children to come and join in at our Messy Church
This will take place on the 3rd Sunday of each Month from 2-4pm at Causeyside
Come and join us for Sunday Club at Paisley St George’s Causeyside. Large hall, 11am, children all ages welcome
The Sunday Club will be hosting a Coffee Morning on the 30th of November. Please come along to support and enjoy
Time 11am — 1 pm
Come and join us for Sunday Club at Paisley St George’s Causeyside. Large hall, 11am, children all ages welcome
Come and join us for Sunday Club at Paisley St George’s Causeyside. Large hall, 11am, children all ages welcome
Come and join us for Sunday Club at Paisley St George’s Causeyside. Large hall, 11am, children all ages welcome
Come and join us for Sunday Club at Paisley St George’s Causeyside. Large hall, 11am, children all ages welcome