Hello everyone, it is great to finally be here and to be your newly ordained and inducted minister.
It is all very exciting and I am so pleased to be the first full time minister of Paisley St George’s. Thank you all so much for the most amazing evening on the 19th of April when I officially became Rev Hazel and your new minister. Everyone who came ( and there were hundreds) was so impressed by your wonderful hospitality and I cannot thank you enough for being so gracious and generous welcoming and offering refreshments to so many travelling from far and wide. It was an amazing worship service with music and singing filling the church, with prayer, scripture and teaching – certainly an evening I will never forget.
As our family settle into life at the manse I would like to thank the Property Committee who willingly and voluntarily worked so hard going above and beyond in helping make everything just right – even building our dining table and chairs and moving the whirligig. So kind and thoughtful and we; my husband Iain, son Mark and from time to time our daughter Laura are enjoying settling into our new home.
A big thanks too goes to Hamish and all the nominating committee for their hard work and endeavours in choosing me as sole nominee and to you all for deciding to take that leap of faith appointing me. From the first moment of my enquiry everyone has been so welcoming and friendly. Thank you – for me and I pray for you too this calling has definitely felt right.
I am also very grateful to Mhairi who has lovingly and ably led you through a prolonged vacancy and I know she will miss you and you will miss her too. Mhairi has been extremely helpful to me in handing over the reigns and helping me to settle in and for that I am most grateful.
I am very much looking forward to getting to know you all and to be both your minister and your friend as we journey together listening for God’s plan for our parish and then reaching out in action to love and serve God, our community and each other.
Please know of a warm welcome anytime at St George’s in Causeyside Street, at our Outreach Centre and at the manse. I am absolutely delighted to be here and will always try to love and serve God, to love and lead all in our congregation and together to extend that love in our wider community to all God’s people.
Thank you all for your warm welcome. May God continue to richly bless you all.
Your friend and minister,