Despite lockdown the 9th Paisley Guides have never stopped meeting. Having moved to zoom, the unit has continued to meet throughout. We met face to face last year when we were in tier 3 and we were allowed to get together. We also meet outside at Lapwing Lodge on the Gleniffer Braes. With lockdown easing again we started meeting face to face again at Lapwing Lodge after Easter. The unit has increased in numbers during lockdown, and it has been great to finally meet new members face to face.
For details of all Young Church Events Click Here for details
A few weeks ago we started with campfire building and the girls wrote secret messages on paper in lemon juice, which were only revealed when held over a fire. This week the girls went canoeing and did high ropes at Lapwing, they all have an amazing time.
During the Easter holidays the rainbows, brownies and guides had a chef on zoom and they made a 3 course meal, A copy of the local newspaper article from that is included amongst the images below.

Our Units meet on a Thursday
- 2nd Paisley Rainbows (Age 5 – 7) at 6pm – 7.15pm
- 9th Paisley Brownies (Age 7 – 10) at 6.30pm – 8.00pm
- 9th Paisley Guides (Age 10 – 14) at 7.30pm – 9.00pm
Heads of each Section are:
Rainbows – Abigail Wilson
Brownies – Pamela Duncan
Guides – Elaine Wotherspoon